Buy Stuff

Here is a list of things you can buy that are covered on our website. The Amazon links give us a few pennies with which we can run the website. The rest give us nothing, but support companies and people who we think are fantastic.

UV Lamp for curing UV Glue:
Amazon Link: UV Lamp
Link: UV Glue

Salad Spinner Centrifuge:
Amazon Link: Salad Spinner
Amazon Link: 50 mL Centrifuge Tubes
Amazon Link: Tacky

Knife Cutter for Parafilm Microfluidics:
Amazon Link: Silhouette Cameo
Amazon Link: Parafilm

Theater Lighting Filters as Cheap Wavelength Filters:
Amazon Link: Filters

Little UV Magnifiers:
Amazon Link: UV Magnifier (Warning, we use these every day, but they are not of great quality)

Sous-Vide as Water Bath:
Amazon Link: Sous-Vide Stick
Amazon Link: Plastic Container

Wooden Scope:
Link: Microscope

Fold Scope:
Link: Microscope