Make a polarimeter for $350

A polarimeter is used to characterize a sample by measuring the rotation of polarized light when it interacts with the sample. They can cost upwards of ~$10,000, but a $350 DIY high-resolution polarimeter has recently been detailed in a paper by Andrew Harvie , Tom Phillips, and John deMello. The bill of materials for the […]

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An open-source combiner for inexpensive laser diodes

Scientific-grade lasers are incredibly costly components of modern microscopes. Inexpensive laser diodes are much cheaper, often less than $100, but they have high divergence and an asymmetrical intensity profile, which makes them difficult to efficiently couple into single-mode optical fibers. Instead, they are coupled into multimode fibers, which results in the appearance of laser speckles […]

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A Blueprint for Cost-Efficient Localization Microscopy

This paper, “A Blueprint for Cost-Efficient Localization Microscopy,” write it’s own summary better than we ever could: “In this study, we questioned every technical high-end component used in standard localization microscopes to reduce the total cost of a wide-field setup and to ensure continued single-molecule sensitivity. We demonstrate that localization microscopy with subdiffraction resolution on […]

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