Raman spectroscopy is a technique in which light from a laser interacts with a sample to shift the laser wavelength. Recording the shifts with a spectrometer gives information about the sample. We’ve covered general cheap spectroscopy more than once here. OpenRAMAN is a project to assemble a Raman spectroscopy setup using about $3000 in (mostly […]
Tag: Spectrometer

Smartphone Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Want to do portable florescence spectroscopy on the cheap? Hojeong Yu, Yafang Tan, and Brian T. Cunningham wrote a 2014 paper that demonstrates that a smartphone camera, attached to a set of optical components that provide wavelength dispersion and a green laser pointer, can function as a sensitive fluorescence spectrometer.

Build-your-own Lego Spectrometer
Check out this open source design for a spectrometer built out of Legos. You can use their designs to 3D print your own Legos and follow the online assembly instructions (or forge your own path!). Or you can buy a kit starting at $30 and running up to $85 for a kit with a Raspberry Pi and […]