The Science Cheep – #2

Lab On The Cheap

The Science Cheep – June 8th 2020

Welcome to (working title) The Science Cheep, written for Lab On The Cheap, giving you all the updates in the DIY open-source world of science from the past week. Let us know what you think about this and if we should keep doing it! Sign up for our newsletter here. No content in this newsletter sponsored.


Shut Down STEM movement to spend June 10th confronting racism in STEM

  • There is a call in social media to halt (non-COVID related) research on June 10th, and confront racism within STEM. Some supporters have created a website for the event, and various departments at universities are holding forums and events to discuss these issues. 

Nature article covers TReND in Africa

New soliton lasers overcome energy limitations

  • New quartic soliton lasers will allow for low-cost devices in manufacturing and biomedical applications. Energy of a quartic soliton laser pulse is proportional to pulse duration τ as τ−3, rather than τ−1 as in conventional solitons. 




  • Jim Hasseloff (whose lab is famous in the DIY science world) has 5 open positions for post-docs, graduate researchers and techs – to join a team working on plant DNA engineering in Marchantia, chloroplasts and integrated electronics.