If you are interested in working with microfluidics and are having difficulty getting started, check out a paper by Jérôme Charmet, Rui Rodrigues, Ender Yildirim, Pavan Challa, Benjamin Roberts, Robert Dallmann, and Yudan Whulanza. The paper describes cheap solutions to several chamber fabrication techniques including photolithography, micromilling, 3D printing, xurography (knife cutting) and screen-printing. The […]

The Science Cheep – #5
Updates in the DIY open-source world of science from the past week! Sign up for our newsletter here. PAPERS A cost-efficient approach for simultaneous scanning electrochemical microscopy and scanning ion conductance microscopy Design of a Low Cost Control System for an Astronomical Observatory Low cost and open source software-based CNC router for machining contours Development […]

The Science Cheep – #4
Welcome to The Science Cheep, written for Lab On The Cheap, giving you all the updates in the DIY open-source world of science from the past week. Sign up for our newsletter here. NEWS UC makes Open Access Publishing Agreement The University of California has made an agreement with Springer Nature that any papers published […]

A $400 SLA-3D-printed peristaltic pump for multi-channel systems
The FAST Pump is an elegant, low cost, small, and easy to fabricate alternative to commercial peristaltic pumps which will cost you between $140 to $400 depending on quality and DIY considerations. Detailed instructions on how to make the device are covered in this paper by Alexander Jönsson, Arianna Toppi, and Martin Dufva . Lab […]

The Science Cheep – #3
Welcome to The Science Cheep, written for Lab On The Cheap, giving you all the updates in the DIY open-source world of science from the past week. Sign up for our newsletter here. NEWS Museums financially stretched from COVID-19 Various museums have had to perform extensive layoffs and furloughs, the Field Museum in Chicago eliminated […]